However, it also gets sticky when you say how much they should get paid. If ministers were paid well to extremely well there would be all kinds of problems I think with that. It just sounds extremely dangerous.
Another question that comes from this is how does a church determine how much each minister makes? That's sticky too.
On the second question I feel that I have a passionate answer, but wanted to see what others had to say first.
I would harshly say that the biggest problem with the American church is the extreme not Christ like way we live in light of our money. The fact that Americans have SO SO SO much and have the knowledge that our brothers and sisters in Africa have nothing and in some cases no food is horrifying. We could be a source of blessing to the world in that way, yet we are not even willing to take care of our own, including those down the street living in poverty.
Some may say to the poor here in America that many would scwander (sp?) the money, but how does that have anything to do with our duty to provide? We should be giving to people regardless of what they will be doing with it. . . I suppose that's a whole other conversation in itself. I am very scared how we treat our money, and treat our suffering brothers and sisters, and I am frightened at myself and how I have stuff in my room right now. And as I don't think this verse was necessarily implying what I am using it for, but it is so hard for a rich person to enter Heaven. It is also difficult to be responsible and trustworthy with what we have been given, which has been a lot, I hope I am up to the task to do good with it all.