Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everybody's havin' babies.

Monday, November 27, 2006

We're in the home stretch. Two weeks of school followed by finals. Question that randomly passed through my mind . . .

why has the church lost sight of the end times, the early church lived as if it was always right around the corner . . . thats a pretty important mindset to have isnt it? It makes me think about a year of Heaven talks at youthwave and big Burritos. Good times.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Do questions recirculate? Will there be another time in my life down the road where I come back to God and war?

It's pretty neat to always be encountering new questions and ideas . . . and one thing i have learned is that there will always be more questions . . . but that seems crazy, how deep can we figure God out with our minds?

Holt used to like to dress up in dresses. . . i cant wait to pull those pictures out on him with the most embarrassing timing. Yup, that will be great.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

If God audibly spoke to someone, do you think that would mean that they would most likely have a lot of responsibility in life?

I haven't looked much at it, but is there like requirements or any simliarities of who God choose to talk to?

I understand that there are other forms of communication too (that i believe in) like visions or dreams, I suppose I need to look into that as well.

Thanksgiving is kinda coming up. That's pretty neat, we can say cool things and do cool things for people that we would like to say all the time, but for whatever reason don't. I dont know if that made any sense . . . I love all of y'all!

And Jason we are most certainly praying, keep us updated!

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm in a terribly amazing mood today (that's somewhat of an oxymoron spencer) however i read something today that was absolutely crazy.

In 2 Kings when God is thinking about Judah and the sins of the Israelites especially under King Manassah . . . God says I do not want to forgive them (paraphrase). Isn't that scary . . . yeah I thought so too.

God has been given me a lot lately as far as people bringing me hurts and concerns and has worked, speaked and loved through me. I'm not sure why I am saying this other than the fact that I'm really excited that God has chosen to work through me lately and it has given me great joy.

I'm really starting to connect with guys on my dorm hall. I am an RA in McKenzie, which would be considered the "most ghetto" dorm at ACU, because it houses lots of atheletes and not "ACU type" people. Anyways, I have guys flooding to my room at night and we have an amazing trust thing going. I suppose thats just another comment about what's going on in my life.

And for all you Round Rockers at home, I am in a mentor group with a professor of mine, Randy Harris, and he will be speaking at Round Rock Church of Christ not this Sunday night but the following one and I highly recommend everyone and their pets to be there. Espeically if the pet is a pug or hippo (both Randy jokes).

Hope everyone is seeing and hearing God today.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Jabalino is actually not a word, but we do it for fun. It would translate - Way to live very much!

Talapia might be misspelled, but its fish that I fell in love with in Uganda (I like to eat it too, it's a weird relationship).

Here's the question I am so very glad to be struggling with at the moment but have yet to spend enough time on. . .

Will we ever fully know God?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wow. I don't even know how to respond to that, ha. JABALINO!!!!

I'm going to ACU's fall film festival tonight, I'm really excited. A thought I am beginning to have and I am excited about is that "Christian" art is going to become a lot more legit by worldly standards by what I see around me. People are doing some amazing things with film, music and art in the Christian community, it's getting me excited.

Saturday night I am going to cook talapia and eat it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I am beyond extremely happy today, so what word should I use I dont know. Yes, I do . . .

I am God's.