Wednesday, October 18, 2006

So yet again my mind has been flipped inside out with thought. Here it is . . .

Do ethics even matter? Do I place them above or in the place of God? I got to this point by looking at the story of Abraham. I think all would agree that killing innocent children is slightly frowned upon, yet God calls for it. Putting war and killing aside in the Old Testament aside, it seems like we KNOW that killing a child is unethical. Yet in this instance God requires faith (which carries no reason or ethics) above ethics and reason.

Abraham is called to break his relationship with humanity by committing a sin against his son to keep the relationship between himself and God still standing.

That blows my mind.

I think that the inherient idea of morality was given to us for a reason. I think the Spirit was given to us for a reason. Yet, this story has just stopped me in my boots and made me ponder does our relationship with God mean more than doing what it right?



Blogger gg said...

Ah, Abraham and Isaac. There are so many things to learn from their story. I am not an expert on this but I do have some thoughts, esp. as we have just begun a new Women's Bible Study on the patriarchs. One thing to consider: God chose Abraham and called him out of a polytheistic culture. Joshua 24:2 says that Abraham's father Terah, and Nahor (Abraham's brother or his grandfather?)worshipped other gods. Perhaps Abraham had seen the sacrifice of children to these other gods and God wanted to show Abram that He (the one true God) would only ask of His people what He instead would provide. It is of utmost importance to remember that God did provide the sacrifice for Abraham's offering and ultimately the sacrifice for all of us. And He did it at the cost of His One and Only Son. Abraham even called the place The LORD will provide. Jehovah-Jireh - The LORD will provide. One of my favorite speakers frequently uses an expression that her grandmother used to say to her, "Honey, there's a ram in the bushes." This sounds simple but I guess I'm simple-minded. What God requires of us, He provides for us.

3:26 PM  

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