Friday, December 29, 2006

Feeling Good

I just found out a couple days ago that one of my favorite directors Robert Altman died in November. So in rememberance of his many good films I watched his most recent called, A Prairie Home Companion. This coupled with a few words from an ole Indian remineded me that relationsihps are all that matter. It's nice to be able to work and enjoy and be in relationship with so much family and friends over the break.

It's crazy how mixed up in world and time I can get and somewhere relationships get pushed slightly to the rear . . . but yet again I thought I would remind myself that . . .

relationships are all that matter.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How Did This Happen?

I am 20 years old. Yeah, I'm freaking out too. Have a good day.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

C'est Vrai!

I'm goin' home.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Yes, This is a Heading

So here's the question swirling in my mind.

Where is the line between boldly speaking truth, that I myself believe proclaiming the truth and knowledge of Jesus and God's kingdom vs. living in a post-modern world where people do not take a liking to anything being pressed on them?

When and where do I say here is the message rather than living the message? Obviously, living out the life is a necessity, but where does speaking in confidence and faith come into play in our society.

I think in Russia, they are soaking up the message so easily this question may not need to be asked. It is as simple as presenting the good news and sitting back. Our society can always decide whether or not they will accept what Christians say, but by taking a more vocal approach are people turned off? Ok, I don't think I need to repeat myself anymore, y'all get the idea.

I am excited about Russia, talking about Russia, preparing about Russia, praying about Russia and everything in between.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I lied. I thought AJ was younger than me, but he is not. We have played on opposite sides of the basketball since 7th grade and now he is the star player for the university of texas, that's crazy.

For some reason it seems like a big deal to me to be turning 20 in . . . 11 days (naturally). As a freshman, I felt no need to rush into anything and to love life with no responsibility minus the whole school thing. This year I have added the RA life, which has been slightly crazy along with some other duties at school. I am assuming responsiblity will only continue to build and build. It seems like if I was told this a few years ago it wouldn't seem appealing to me, and it still has a somewhat negative flavor to it to me still . . . but it seems like a good thing. I wonder why? It's not all that bad is it? And is there some sort of secret goodness that responsiblity bring to one's life?

I want to take a moment to brag on our Andy Zimmerman. I don't know why I feel like I can say "our" but I will. He is an amazing man who cares a lot for people especially the ones that are usually overlooked. He was the one i looked up to in the youth group when I was younger and now I have had the opportunity to work under him although he would very much say with him (and i would too) and it's been another great experience. I hear glass bottles breaking in my hallway I must go. Smile, have a wonderful day y'all.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Yeah, so I suppose I haven't acknowledged the pain and suffering that has been inflicted on me from the crumbling Texas season. I have taken a LOT of heat for it all around these parts, however, continue to wear my longhorn spirit everywhere and lose with my team.

I also just realized something last class. Everyone on UT's starting basketball squad is YOUNGER THAN I AM. I don't know if it has fully sunk in, but my day is over, haha . . . all of those hopes and dreams long ago have been squashed. It was a weird feeling. Have I found something more important than college sports in life? . . . no brainer - GREEK 111. (let me go throw up) . . . ha

So Brad and I were telling a Ben Langford story today to a room of folks who do not know Ben Langford (minus Josh Love) and Ben Ries shows us to confirm the story. It was glorious.

Oh and Brad, Garrett and I have begun to learn the language of the Russians. Until next time comrades!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Reid, your comment is terrifying. HAHA.

We had a snow day last tuesday in Abilene, Texas and yes I did go play in it with the rest of my crazy resident hall and it was good.