Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Days

This week has been incredibly wonderful. It has been nice to sit back and watch how God works in people's hearts. It seems as if every person this week has said something along the lines of "I'm really searching for . . . God." Now it doesn't always come out that black and white, although sometimes it does, but our last few studies have been people searching out who Jesus is, what is this life all about and what does the Christian life offer/what is it about.

When I begin or continue to teach people about the Bible and God I always realize how much it makes you own your faith. To profess Jesus brings up a lot of questions from people and naturally we want to have the answers, where that is possible, to the questions they have. Today, I was remembering back to co-teaching the singles class at Round Rock. I was an 18 year old kid, who was more than excited about teaching and more than terrified! It made me really look into what I would be talking about and even then I'm sure it took patience from everyone in the class to deal with a mumbling nervous kid . . . but thank you to all of you who did, it was an amazing growing experience for me and hopefully God can speak a few words through an Indian on edge (that's me) who may or may not be a step above a donkey (Baalaam's of course). Thank you also to Ted Neil for asking me!

And I tell you what . . . it's marvelously fun to tell someone about the gospel, especially when there is any sign of understanding or acceptance in their eye. Katelin appropriately asked us if we cry after every meeting as we get to profess our faith and all of the sweet reasons we believe what we believe and the amazing power of Jesus . . . of course this response would be absolutely acceptable, but the three of us (in Brad's words) do more of a high-fiving-chest-bumping dance afterwards!

. . .

Just a random quote from the day that was incredibly uplifting to me comes from our conversation with Zhenya today. He said, "when I am around Christians, including you, there is a certain calmness around them that I can feel."

. . .

WE HAVE HOT WATER. And they all said, "AMEN!"

. . .

It is officially HOT, by that I mean 80 degrees (sorry Texans) but we broke out the shorts today, and quickly followed that by putting our pants back on so the flesh eating gnats and mosquitos would not devour our bodies.

. . .

I never got to gloat about the spurs winning . . . therefore . . . GO SPURS GO SPURS GO SPURS GO!

. . .

Please continue to pray for us and thank you so much for doing so! Until next time.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

He Would

So let me backtrack in time a little bit and tell you about our friday. It was quite possibly the most depressing day ever. The woes of not having many Bible studies after having so many promising first converstaions with people continued. However, we were more than excited about the prospect of meeting people at the English club, where most of the interns before us met non-Christians to begin studying. This would be followed by going to the small group at Oksana's home.

First, we were called by Alosha that Oksana's group had been cancelled, which I can't completely complain because this allowed us to go to the interconfessional group, which was a blessing. However, next we received a phone call that the English club was cancelled probably due to the students being too busy from exams.

Our hearts sank.

Any effort we could have made friday to grab some studies seemed lost, we had lost.

And then of course, He would.

By that I mean answered prayer a couple of days after we had given up on our own ability to do anything about the situation. Over the last 24 hours or so God has answered prayers (might I add in the way we preferred) and we have added 4 Bible studies with the potential of another. We find ourselves not quite on our high horses with excitement again, but rather on our knees thanking the One who will let us participate in His work. Thanks for praying! Continue to do so for hearts, for Ira, Masha, Oleg, Zhenya, Tanya, Dennis and Lena.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Trains, Taxis and Autobuses

Yeah my title really doesnt have anything to do with my post.

Last night, the three Americans (that's us) were able to participate in an interconfessional group, which means that people from all sorts of faiths and relgions gather together. This group has been meeting for about three years, and Timur attends so we checked it out for the first time. I could write an entire blog about how cool the idea of the group itself is! A group of all sorts of believers gathering, eating and communing together . . . it makes me do a little squirmy excitement dance.

We talked about a subject I surpass all in knowledge about - children. So obviously, we were pretty clueless, but there was amazing insight and really interesting questions, obviously once again from a perspective I would have never thought about.

The most rewarding part of the night though was meeting Olga and Dennis' children who are 9, 7, 5, 3 and 1 I believe the youngest being their only daughter. The boys were crazy and anything but shy . . . it was AWESOME! Being around children is one of the ultimate life boosts and you don't even have to do anything. You sit there and watch them and be happy . . . that is until you have to be responsible for them I'm sure . . . but it made my night. Having 5 children in a Russian family is unheard of, and it was such a blessing to be around them. The least of these including children are taken for granted so much (espeically by me) and they truely are a source of new life and joy!


Today we were able to go out with Alyssa and two of her friends who are both attending a local university. Anna just finished her first year and Dennis made all A's and was finished with his studies today so he was beyond excited today.

They are both not Christians and I could go on about how great today was, but here was an interesting point that Dennis made. One last thing, I believe that most of the world thinks that everyone in the U.S. is a Christian and that everyone lives by that as well. Dennis said,

"All Americans believe in God and all Russians do not believe in God. However, whenever something goes wrong the first thing Americans do is try and fix the situation somehow and Russians respond by going straight to God."

He was focusing his attention on the fact that the only time Russians believe is when they need help, which in many ways makes a lot of sense. I took a lot from that fact alone, but the other interesting thing that he said possibly without knowing it is that Americans try to control everything. I think that one of the main reasons we are on this earth is to realize that we MUST depend on God. This is part of the reason why I think Jesus says it is so hard for a rich man to enter heaven, because he leans only on himself, he can fix anything, he is his own god.

My eyes have been blessed once again to be in a different culture, where I can appreciate things I take for granted and see other things in a whole new way. I want to say thank you again for all of those who made our trip possible and who continue to pray for us!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hush, Hush

We discussed a taboo topic in the leaders meeting yesterday.

Timur was having a discussion with members of the Church and a great problem rose to the surface. Sex. And sexual temptation. Timur shared how he had no idea that this problem existed because no one had mentioned it as a problem, perhaps because they did not feel comfortable talking about it. That sounded familiar to me.

It seems as if the word pornography has just crept into the words to say sometimes at church, however in a world where I'm pretty sure that every young person, and probably older ones as well deal with sexual temptation, perhaps we should begin saying more things. Timur made a good point that for older people who may not be directly involved with that type of sin may still have it tight in their memory and it may be weighing them down for further growth as a Christian as Satan uses it as a stronghold of guilt. Obviously it will be a challenge and uncomfortable to mention oral sex, masturbation (a subject that I am pretty much horrified to talk about with my brother, but as a brother must, so we will see if I practice what I preach on this one) ect. but think of the times you have talked about with people and the relief it was to know that you identify with others who struggle with the same thing and also to be able to talk about it and begin to think how to approach it.

One of the first steps to provide an atmosphere will be for leaders to step up. For leaders to tell about their struggles present and past. I am sure that most people have it in their head that the leaders of the Church are perfect and stainless and obviously that is untrue. We should not follow in the footsteps of a culture that says to put perfect shell around a not perfect person and to not accept any help or ask from help in any case. In leaders defense, I hope that Jesus has touched that area of their lives, which may lead them to forget the great battle thats going on with sexual temptation in almost everyone's lives, so here is a little reminder.

We should try hard on this one, because no matter what culture - American, African or Russian - sexual temptation has been prevalent, which is a scary thing, but also comforting to know that many deal with this struggle. So let's talk about it.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lost in Translation

Ha, so I was talking to Brad last night as I was posting the Vasya story and after talking to Garrett this morning we all heard three way different versions. So at this point we are unclear what in the world was, but here are the thoughts.

Obviously I heard him say that there are dangers being a Christian because of possible persecution. I connected that statement to another he said that, "because they are a protestant church they will most likely be driven out of Tomsk." Either way we are not sure how serious he was about both comments.

Brad perceived him saying that because he is a Christian he will actually live longer, we are not sure how this is possible, perhaps a daily dose of God is good for your bones or something.

Garrett heard, which is probably the most probable, that Vasya was saying because he is a Christian now he no longer fears death. So even though Coke may in fact bring a quicker physical death on earth, he is secure in his faith that God has more for him than this short life.

Perhaps there is a lesson in all of these things, which I find facinating, and I am once again amazed by the diffuculty of language and the perceptions and lenses we heard things from!


My first thought of defining spiritual gifts in my own life was looking what fruits of the Spirit have become present in my life. However, the general way I framed spiritual gifts was gifts not given naturally simply by birth, but gifts given after becoming a part of God's family. I could say more on this, but alas I am not Brad and I'm too eager to get on to my Title Story.

However, I will hesitate for one more comment, we have had SO much FUN making the video's for Champs Camp! We're hoping to get the green light on a slightly more serious video for the entire Round Rock congregation! We were really happy to be able to be a part of the Champs Camp experience!

And drum roll for the main point . . .

We were driving out to work at the soon to be home for the homeless, and Vasya a Russian minister was drinking a Coke. He saw that the three of us had only brought water and made the comment that 10 years ago all Americans ever had in their hands was Coke and now 10 years later we only have water. Why is this? We told him about the health crazes in America and how everything must be health conscious on the market these days. He then made a remark that caught me completely off-guard and hit me with a little bit more of different perspective. He said, "Yeah, I know it's probably not the best to drink, but when I decided to be a Christian I thought to myself that I probably wouldn't live long enough for that to matter anyway."

I'm not sure who spoke next, but who wants to follow that? The man actually thought that becoming a Christian would take years off his life on earth. The reality of being persecuted because one is a Christian still seems foreign to me, even though I know it is very real. I wondered how it would have affected my life decision to follow Christ if I had to make the assumption that it may have this kind of effect. I've been sitting here for a while and I'm really speechless, perspective continues to amaze me!

(by the way I just used the words affect and effect and still to this day have no idea how both are suppose to be used, so please forgive me and my unwillingness to ever figure it out)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gifts and Disciplines

We had a Bible study today and two of the elements included gifts and disciplines. I thought it was a relavent quesiton for everyone including myself.

What natural abilities has God gifted you with to build up other and the Church?

What spiritual gifts has God given you and formed in you since becoming a Christian?

What spiritual disciplines might you need to try to open yourself to God?

Last thing - we have made two video's for champs camp and it is extremely fun, I feel like I feel the energy all the way in Siberia and I'm sure my ridiculous faces on the video show it. Kids are such an amazing source of energy, fun and excitement aren't they?

Friday, June 01, 2007

One Hundred Eleven

So I have not fully thought about what I am about to say, but at this point I'm pretty sure I agree. And I know there will be after thoughts of well when you have a family everything changes or what if you put yourself into a spot of temptation . . . I probably agree, but here's the thought.

Brad, Garrett and I were having a conversation about how cool it is when people ask, "Why are you here?" Obviously it is unusual for an American to be in Tomsk, so they ask the question, which really nicely opens the door for the gospel or at least the chance to invite someone over for a study. So we thought to ourselves, it's so nice to be in a place where it is natural for people to ask this question, evangelism is so easy in a foreign country. This brought another question into my mind.

In America, are we simply in the wrong places? Perhaps, this question should be a natural one no matter where we are. Perhaps we are suppose to be living a Christian life in bars and other places downtown, shining Christ by not participating in the things of the world such as drinking and "partying" but living the life Christ has called us too in those places. I guarentee you that the question would eventually come up, "Why are you here?" Your not drinking, your not smoking, your not caught up in all the things we think as of fun . . . yet you talk with people, make relationships, laugh and have fun with us.

Why are you here?

What do y'all think? (By the way today we went to the English club and I definitely taught everyone the word y'all, be proud of me, smile)