Friday, June 01, 2007

One Hundred Eleven

So I have not fully thought about what I am about to say, but at this point I'm pretty sure I agree. And I know there will be after thoughts of well when you have a family everything changes or what if you put yourself into a spot of temptation . . . I probably agree, but here's the thought.

Brad, Garrett and I were having a conversation about how cool it is when people ask, "Why are you here?" Obviously it is unusual for an American to be in Tomsk, so they ask the question, which really nicely opens the door for the gospel or at least the chance to invite someone over for a study. So we thought to ourselves, it's so nice to be in a place where it is natural for people to ask this question, evangelism is so easy in a foreign country. This brought another question into my mind.

In America, are we simply in the wrong places? Perhaps, this question should be a natural one no matter where we are. Perhaps we are suppose to be living a Christian life in bars and other places downtown, shining Christ by not participating in the things of the world such as drinking and "partying" but living the life Christ has called us too in those places. I guarentee you that the question would eventually come up, "Why are you here?" Your not drinking, your not smoking, your not caught up in all the things we think as of fun . . . yet you talk with people, make relationships, laugh and have fun with us.

Why are you here?

What do y'all think? (By the way today we went to the English club and I definitely taught everyone the word y'all, be proud of me, smile)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to hear your thoughts and to be able to comment. I am not sure what happened but I have not been able to post on your site for a while. Everything looks good now though. I love hearing the questions that you wrestle with along your journey. I pray that all of these experiences will open up avenues of a re-imagined faith that will challenge us as they are challenging you. I am all about taking some good news to any place that will let us in the door. Bars seem to be a place where conversation is central and welcome, while attracting some crowds that would definitely ask, "Why are you here." Not a bad idea to seek out any place that would ask that question of us. Great thought.

4:16 AM  

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