Tuesday, November 14, 2006

If God audibly spoke to someone, do you think that would mean that they would most likely have a lot of responsibility in life?

I haven't looked much at it, but is there like requirements or any simliarities of who God choose to talk to?

I understand that there are other forms of communication too (that i believe in) like visions or dreams, I suppose I need to look into that as well.

Thanksgiving is kinda coming up. That's pretty neat, we can say cool things and do cool things for people that we would like to say all the time, but for whatever reason don't. I dont know if that made any sense . . . I love all of y'all!

And Jason we are most certainly praying, keep us updated!


Blogger Pate The Great's Papa said...

Okay random goodness 1st - I found the "is ball". That's right, it's back :) Now on to more serious things...

Do you remember - at Y.W. - one night we were driving around in the van (after a tasty freebird I'm sure) and we met a "homeless" man named Sam? Do you remember what he said when we circled back in an effort to encourage him? Do you think that was the audible voice of God? Sometimes - I do.

There's poetry about the voice of God...

Job 37:1 "At this my heart pounds and leaps from its place. 2 Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. 3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. 4 After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back. 5 God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. 6 He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,'and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' 7 So that all men he has made may know his work,
he stops every man from his labor.

Maybe those words are ment to convey (not the actual audible voice) but the overwhelming impact of God's mind as it is revealed to his creation. In my case through someone (Sam) - or in Job's case something (the weather).

That being said, there are other instances that make me long to hear our Heavenly Father's actual voice - there are times when Moses appears to hear the audible voice of God, there are the witnessess who relay the account of Jesus's baptism when the Father spoke audibly over the Son, and there are many others...

Here's what I know - God has spoken directly to me - and still I long to hear His audible voice! I want it to resonate through my core like a great wave of thunder; to hear it whisper softly in my ear the way a Father comforts and encourages his young child through adversity; I want to hear Him speak my name as he lovingly draws me into His presence.

For that matter I want to dream great dreams, frought with purpose and Kingdom revelation... To see visions from God... To speak as a Herald of His Glory and Majesty...

Maybe, these things we long for will be realized in us... maybe they won't... Maybe the secret lies with Enoch. Was his habitual, daily walk with God, a literal one? Maybe the secret lies with Israel did he really wrestle with God? Maybe it lies with Daniel? Balaam? Or Mary the mother of Jesus?

Or maybe poetry and story are the only way humanity can even attempt to describe that which transcends the palpable and audible of this earth and flesh?

Oh, to hear the voice of God! To dream His dreams! To see great visions! To speak His truth to all creation! But who am I to ask for such great gifts. I am wretched. I am deaf, blind, and mute... but still, I believe He is choosing me, even me :)

Much Love,

8:45 AM  
Blogger Pate The Great's Papa said...

Sorry, forgot to update... Still no baby girl as of yet. Thank you all for the prayers! Linds will be induced tomorrow if she hasn't gone in into labor by then. We are praying that she will go in to labor naturally before that happens. Please, join us in that prayer.


8:52 AM  

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