Monday, May 26, 2008


I am currently in the gorgeous state of Tennessee where a pretty little gal named Katie Morrison is from! We drove in from Abilene on Saturday and have been hanging out with friends and family here since then. We are heading out for the Bronx Sunday morning and will meet up with all the interns for the first time in the airport and proceed to experience New York public transportation for the first time!

Last week, Katie and I took a missions class at ACU called Teaching Good News. Our professor was Brady Bryce and he did a great job getting us to think about big topics like what the gospel is, salvation, evangelism, contextualization, and the Kingdom of God. I really enjoyed reflecting on past experiences, sharing in others experiences, and learning new and old perspectives on how God's people are to tell the good news!

The class was proceeded by a short seminar led by Tom W (I cannot come up with his last name, maybe Wymore) and he taught us about coaching. Coaching finds itself in a category with mentoring and counseling, but it is different because it seeks to empower the other person by believing that generally answers can be found within the other person so the coach must focus on "redemptive listening" and asking good questions. Of course that was a small nutshell, but it was also another helpful tool to have and to think about.

I believe that when I get to the place I am staying in the Bronx there will not be internet access, but if it takes any more than five minutes to walk to the nearest coffee shop with wireless internet I would be amazed. So I should be updating soon and regularly! I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day!


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