Sunday, July 08, 2007

Time to Live

I have been thinking about how I spend my time.

During this trip, I have tried to squeeze all I can out of every moment. I have two months, I must make the most of every scrap of time, whether that means keeping up the house or investing into relationships. I have gone in depth and made some lifelong friends as well as meeting for the first time my brothers and sisters that I will meet again whether here or there.

All this to say, I have an entire 8 months in Abilene each year. Why don't I live like I have no time to waste? I don't think this idea means that we should be constantly busy, that would be not smart, even in Tomsk we have taken Monday as our day of rest. However, what if I approached every situation and every person with the intensity I have had here? I know that I have the capacity to do and even if I thought I could not, I could pray and it would be taken care of.

We were meant to live for so much more . . . (switchfoot) . . . I think we are capable of being better people, learning to be like Jesus, and I think that includes how we use our time and how much of ourselves we put into what we do.

I must apologize for not being clear we are about to head out the door and disconnect the computer . . .

I just hope that I do not find myself at the end of my life finding that I did not take the time to live, and instead I traded in my time for selfish endeavors that never filled me up and found I was never truely living.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We will be home on the 16th of July and I will have my wisdom teeth taken out on the 17th! Hopefully, I will get to see many of you soon after!


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