Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's cool to know that y'all are praying for me. I know this because a constant miracle continues to occur. I have yet to experience the big D . . . diahrrea. Smile.

In all seriousness it's really weird that I haven't, but on top of that there has not been any intense sickness on the entire team yet. Another wonderful thing that I love to lean on is when I am introducing myself to a village I act as a messager for our church. I know with complete confidence that when I say the churches in Round Rock, Texas, USA greet you and are praying for you it's really happening! SO COOL! I just wanted to say thanks for not making me a liar. Smile.

I had not really had the chance to hang out with Emily and watch her in her ministry here in full swing until this Tuesday. We had a health fair at the Jinja Church and it was incredible. Emily thrived in that setting! We were able to help 130 people! I was at the de-worming booth, it was pretty neat. I feel like I should be able to make a joke or be witty since I was working de-worming, I'm sorry, I have failed. Smile. People loved me though, cause I was the guy with medicine, so always try and be that person, it really helps your ego.

We built a mud church today. I am still filthy, like absolutely dirty, CJ I'm talking dirtier than a week of road tripping with you. I had a shower and there is still layers of dirt. Ok, I think we're getting it . . . so rewarding. I mean building a church and on the same week brothers and sisters from Round Rock are building one in Mexico. Once again, SO COOL. Have you seen this theme how cool it is when God works in people's lives through people's lives. Yeah, me too. I also bathed in the Nile. NEAT.

Tomorrow I will be left in a village all by my lonesome for 3 days. I'm so pumped, however, Brad and I are slightly worried only because we are not worried about anything. Anyways, thats the promo for the next update, although it may not happen for a week or so. I am staying with a minister who I have yet to meet unfortuantely, who is named Samson. Like I said Spence said they are the most African village here and have no idea of time.

Side note - Jessica we decided (we being brad) one of our intern mates looks just like you, so we have started calling her Jessica. (Jessica Looney, Smile)

Ok quickly two thoughts. What is our responsiblities as Americans? I think we have placed so much emphasis on the thought that we are Americans that we place that identity over our Christian identity. Wow, I dont even know how to tackle this topic, but where does our American identity need to stop. I apologize for leaving it at that I just want you to think about how the Church is beginning to become American Christians as opposed to Christians who happen to be Americans. Sloppy thought. This one is even more risky. Same idea, but related to family. How much (espeically as Americans) have we glorified the family over God. I am in no way saying family is bad in anyway and I hope I dont sound like a complete freak, smile I'm sure I do, but it seems like we play the family card as a trump card. Here's a senario. I can't go live in that poor neighborhood because my kids will not get the best education. I am not even sure what I think at this point, but I just wanted to allow an opening of though and perhaps an opprotunity to pounce on me.

I lied. Last thought. Does God change. Man, we've discussed this one alot. I think I'll give you my thoughts later though. . . Has anyone seen any wonderful movies lately?

If I gain weight in Africa, how sad is that. Oh my.

Katonda Mulungi! (God is good!) Thank you for your love and prayers!


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