Thursday, June 29, 2006

How in the world do I begin? It may be impossible to explain. One quick thing first though, the power is crazy here and very on and off so I don't know how regular updating will be, but I will try to defeat time and electricity! To start I wanted to type my journal entry the day I arrived in Jinja, Uganda. Yes, if your wondering that IS IN AFRICA. SMILE. Here's the entry from 6/26/06.

I'm journaling next to candle light on my bed in Jinja, Uganda! I'm talking to Justin Schneider and loving the fresh cool breeze and the smell of burnt African wood! It has been a surreal day filled with sensation, jaw dropping and complete and utter exhaustion! We arrived slightly delayed because of an emegency landing in Paris due to an extremely sick man. Upon arriving, we descended on the classical staircase (something I've always wanted to do!). We also had the priveledge of meeting our intern team as well as our gracious hosts, the Jinja team. A few quick observations included a massive number of roaming people standing, riding, walking, playing, talking and everything in between. Motorcycles and bicycles plague the streets weaving between vehicles. The coutryside is lush green with tea and banana fields scattered everywhere. We saw a man with a severe case of elephantitis, women carring baskets on head, naked children and extreme poverty. The first non-expected excitement was children everywhere in the Manry's house tonight. I cannot describe the setting of community filled with life and love amidst the amazing tropical backdrop not to mention the most amazing stars these eyes have ever laid eyeson. The Ugandan people are wonderful and the workers at the houses already feel like family. I'm quickly falling in love with this place and these people.

These past few days have felt like weeks. Packed with fun and words from God. At this point I'm trying to be quiet and listen to what he has to say to me through the people, the missionaries and the intern team. Yesterday we participated in the Amazing Race in which we hopelessly tried to get around Jinja on our own as the Jinja team laughed I'm sure, but the city is becoming familiar. We then took an offical tour of the city led by our very own Spencer Bogle and reflected on God in Uganda amoung so many things. This place and people are truely undescribable so apologize for only giving you words . . . at this point. Hopefully pictures and video to come will help, however long that will be I don't know. Y'all all know that the Bogle's are amazing, but the Bogle's are amazing! I'm am drentched with wisdom and learning being around them, it's truely wonderful. Ben and Adam Langford will be back in Jinja tomorrow and I've only heard the most amazing things, so we are all excited to have them coming. What's also truely amazing is the team God has put together here in Jinja. The Manry's, Langford's (2X) and the Bogle's are all beyond amazing filled with words of wisdom and actions backing up their stories. Continue to pray for the missionaries, the interns and the people of Uganda!


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