Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monday's and Tuesday's

I wanted to take a second and talk about our typical Mondays and Tuesdays.

On Mondays we begin the day at different locations all over New York City in a time of group reflection. We reflect on theological ideas such as the Kingdom of God, which was Jesus' primary message and we think about cultural issues as well as the thinking behind what/how/why/etc the Bronx Fellowship. After this we spread out within the city and take a good chunk of time for individual reflection in solitude. Last week I went to a large church on 42nd street, which was great! This is an obvious and natural time to connect with God and to rethink over the past week and begin to think about the week ahead of us. However, as we reflect on those two items - both past and future - I try and focus on the present moment and connect with God. I am reading a book by Henry Nowen right now and he says that it is in the solitude moments that we intensely discover our need for God and turn to him. (PS there is a lot of time to read or listen to music on public transportation, which has been incredible for me!).

Then Tuesdays are our play days! Last week, like I said we went to the Metropolitan Museum which was absolutely ridiculous because of its size and spectacularness! This week, Katie and I will be heading to Coney Island!

This week has once again brought many adventures and taught me much about myself, the culture, and the church! Sometime soon I will also post about my African experience! Yes I have now successfully encountered every culture I have ever been a part of in the Bronx! (I actually take that back because Nathan and his family are from Liberia and not from Uganda, but we/I often classify Africa as a single place when that is of course absurd! Nathan and I talked about that yesterday and I'll work on that). Until next time.


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