Sunday, September 24, 2006

I am assuming many if not most have read Brad's latest post about the "Pledging Alligence" class. So I'm not going to say anything more on it. Ha, right.

I think his description was right on and the questions posed were really interesting and I think I'll just get to the point of the semi-controversal one's and give my opinion to be shreaded as you please.

Should there be a flag in services? Eitherway seems to be ok, but something Randy suggested and something I would really like to see is the reaction from the congregation as the Church as a whole decides to lay the American flag at the foot of the cross instead of the other way around. I wonder how uncomfortable/angry this would make people and how many would feel more comfortable with laying the cross at the foot of the flag.

I agree with the idea that for memorial days and times of prayer for soldiers each side should be prayed for, that there may be peace and safety and well-being would be given to both parties. How can we be exclusive in only praying for our soldiers?

As far as war, I am a pacifist. However, the discussion made me realize (among other things) that those in the military are serving others. At least, the v irtue of service should be admired! However, I cannot in light of Jesus see any reason for "just war."

I wish I had the time right now to explain my thoughts, but I only have time to place an opinion out there.

As far as Christians participating in government, I was really against government at first, but I think it exists to serve the people and can be used for service. With that, I think it is absolutely good and important to be a part of government. However, this can be done most effectively (if at all) at the local level, in my opinion. If one was to be sitting on the senate and have the decision to make of war or no war, what would you consider. The well being of the state is hard to get away from as well as getting anything accomplished for those in need. That doesnt mean that one should not participate however. Looking at politics and systems of old as well as 0urs, I constantly and consistantly see power being abused and religion and God being used. This makes me incredibly upset. I cannot see myself voting for the "better" choice, just because they are slightly more moral. This makes me believe that I will not vote (thinking about the national level) because politians have proved to be not wonderful (ha, yeah thats how ill put it). If there ever comes one who will uphold their duty by actively trying to be a voice for the oppressed, the poor and the hurting I think I will use the power the nation state has given me. Power is always a tricky thing and I wonder if Jesus would have ever played by the rules of power (in worldly terms), on the terms of the state. God seems to always amaze us by the ways he works and I think our role in society is not to make bills pass to make abortion illegal, using the powers that be to voice our convictions, but to love the world even though it doesn't make sense, to be on the streets of hurt and pain, making a difference with our hands in the dirt giving our hearts to others daily by living out a Christ-like life, which will always speak louder than the power of this world.

I miss Africa. Love you guys. (and by you guys I mean y'all)


Blogger Unknown said...

Got a blog for you to check out. Larry James runs Central Dallas Ministries, and makes good arguments that the government is necessary to address the problem of poverty above and beyond helping individuals (although he does more of that than anyone I've known as well). It's worth a few minutes a day:

7:08 AM  

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